Damp Garage Floor – Solutions for Damp Concrete
Does your garage feel cold and damp? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Customers come to us about their damp garage floor all the time, so we’re here to help you resolve and prevent your flooring from feeling moist and causing further problems.

Why is My Garage Floor Damp?
In order to resolve damp issues, you first need to figure out why your concrete floor is damp.
There are a few common reasons why your garage floor feels wet. The most common is old fashioned condensation, otherwise known as sweating. The issue could also be caused by poorly installed concrete (moisture below the slab). There is a simple test you can perform to find out which you are dealing with.
If the air is moist and warm, but the ground is cold then you are likely experiencing condensation. However, concrete is quite a porous material, moisture in the ground can work its way up into your concrete floor. A change in your surroundings can also trigger this influx of moisture; for example, the removal of a large plant or tree from your garden, the water levels in the ground will rise as the shrub is no longer using it.
Another reason is if there isn’t a lining membrane or there is an incorrect level of damp proof course. It is common practice to install a lining membrane in modern builds nowadays, but it will still be beneficial to check and see if this could be the reason for your damp concrete floor. If the damp-proof course is above floor level, the exposed brickwork will most likely always be damp which will consequently affect the moisture levels of your floor.
How to Know Which Issue I’m Dealing With
To find out where dampness is coming from, you can perform a simple test. Clear and brush an area of a garage floor so that it is completely free from debris and dirt etc. Now, cut a small square of plastic (approx. 10cm squared) and tape it to the floor. Leave it overnight.In the morning, feel the top of the plastic. If the top of the plastic is wet and the concrete underneath is dry, then you have a sweating garage floor. However, if the underside of the plastic is wet, then it is likely you have a moisture problem below the slab.
If you are having issues with condensation, try the following:
- Decrease the dampness/humidity of the air with a dehumidifier
- Increase air temperature in the garage
- Change the garage floor surface - Our Garage Flooring is an ideal solution
- Check door seals
How to Damp Proof Concrete Floors
In an ideal world, damp proofing methods should be taken during the initial construction phase of the garage. But, if these methods are non-existent or if they have failed in some way, here are some ideas to resolve and reseal your damp garage floor.
Damp Proof Membranes for Concrete
I know we’re repeating ourselves, but a damp proof membrane is one of the most fundamental methods of sealing a damp floor. Inserted in between the hard core and concrete floor, this impermeable layer will prevent rising damp. If in budget, you should look at getting a new concrete floor poured.
Liquid Membrane
A liquid membrane, just like the membrane above, will create a protective layer that will prevent moisture reaching the surface of your garage floor. Instead of inserting a sheet in between the two layers, you paint the liquid membrane directly onto the floor, creating an impenetrable moisture barrier.Epoxy Floor Coatings & Concrete Sealers
Similarly to a liquid membrane, an epoxy coating is painted on the surface of a damp garage floor but two coats are required. Each coat has to have a thin coverage of film and after the two coats have dried, the surface can be walked on directly and can withstand light traffic too. Commonly used in industrial settings, it can also be used for domestic garages and damp concrete floor.GFTC PVC Floor Tiles
Moving away from all types of membrane, we believe that this is the best way to resolve your damp garage floor issues for the long run! GTFC’s interlocking PVC floor tiles will transform your garage space completely, lasting a lifetime without any worries of feeling damp or cold. By installing these over any kind of garage floor, they are a barrier in themselves, keeping both the dust and the damp out, and staying durable for years to come.Contact us today to find out more information!
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